Sunday, June 10, 2012

Photo Book

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Soccer Tears of Joy

 Julia has this ability to dig deep, like really deep. I would like to think she gets it from me. When she is pushed against a wall and she knows in her mind that what she is fighting for is good and right she will dig so deep into her heart and bring out this fight and spirit to push on. I have seen it before but maybe not so clear as I did this past weekend.

Her soccer team played in a sectional tournament this weekend sweeping all 5 games and claiming the championship title. I was not expecting what I saw. In fact I am ashamed that I didn’t have more faith in my little girl. I truly didn’t see the win in her and a few of her teammates. But when the time came she did it and she proved to me that the power of friendship and camaraderie can propel her to great heights. She showed me that winning for others can feel so much better than just winning for yourself.
Julia faced the fear of being pummeled to the ground by an opponent who would have made a grown man run and hide. She was up against someone who was more experienced and outweighed her by 50lbs of muscle and Julia used everything she had, her courage, her long legs, her might, her force to try and move what seemed to be an immovable mountain. I would be lying to say that I did not fear that Julia would get seriously inured if she was to be fallen on by this opponent. My bitty girl just needed a few breaks to make a difference and she got them. She kept her head cool long enough to see the opportunities and when they presented themselves she took advantage of them. She also took that predicted hit from the mountain that would eventually fall and when she collapsed to the ground I held my breath until she got back up. She took a hard hit and my baby still got up. I couldn’t believe it. What was driving this girl?

She ignored the sometimes frantic screams from her coach and all those on the sideline and she just focused. She knew what she had to do. In the past at times she would allow the external forces to get to her and literally crumble into an emotional mess but not this time. This weekend was different. She had teammates falling all around her injured, emotionally and physically but she kept moving and didn’t stop. At the end of the weekend while at home cuddled in bed I asked her what the best part of winning was and she said without hesitation “I can still hangout and play with me friends, and that makes me happy”. It wasn’t the CHAMPIONSHIP medal or the knowledge that her team was doing something that this area soccer group hasn’t done in 10 years. No, what mattered to her was that this adventure with her friends was not ending. With each goal, each push, each kick and head bump they were winning more time to be together. More time to giggle and paint nail’s and make fun of coaches and tease each other. More time to make headbands for each other and find the best snack bar food to eat. More time to hang out and gossip and share and support each other. Oh and a bit more time to kick this ball around a field and score goals and high five each other.

I am so fortunate to be Julia’s mom and I thank god for allowing me to be her mother and raise her. It is an honor that he allows me to care for his child and to let me be a part of his plan for her in this life.

The next part of this story will take place in a few weeks in Palm Springs and I will not make the same mistake I did this weekend. Julia taught me this weekend that she is more than capable of making the unbelievable totally believable. She taught me that the power of friendship can give her the ability to move mountains.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

birds forever

Starbucks.. you make my heart sing and my wallet 4 dollars lighter. So I have taken a breather from blogging in order to create more time to blog. Makes no sense and thats ok. I am ready to start this crazyness again. I missed my little home away from home. birds forever.. and ever...