Also called... a reason to eat cookies!
So I have been daydreaming about this type of activity for months. Spurred on by images from various blogs it finally took this blog post and offer of freebie artwork to get me to commit. So this summer I will host a Moms Club event themed "Milk and Cookies". I will probably host in July and make it a 2:00pm afar so that the kids can have time to bake/decorate cookies (hopefully while James is asleep) and play some games celebrating the wonderfulness of cookies!! All before Oprah is on. I will handout cookie cutters as a "thank you" for coming gift and my plan is too ask each mother to bring a dozen cookies for a cookie swap. I will also have a giveaway of a cookie jar for one lucky mom to take all her cookies home in. What a fun way to spend some of the hottest hours of the day don't you think? Well except the baking cookies part.. hmm I may have to re-think that option?