When I used to work at Universal I would sometimes get to work early just so I could watch the window dressers work their magic on the store windows inside the park. I learned so much watching them create and mold plastic garbage bags, cotton balls, styrofoam, strings of lights, material, cardboard boxes, ribbon and large props into wonderful creations. My favorite time of year was Christmas when the displays were amazing. When I started working in the events department I was even luckier to work with catering and watch tablescapes come to life for every event. Upside down milk crates and misc bowls and dishes from Ikea made wonderful displays. My favorite place in the catering workhouse, the linen closet. Every color, texture, size and style of linen just waiting to be soiled. During my travels through the Internet world I found my way back in front of those windows again. These lovelies have wowed me and inspired me to push that creativity level a little higher.